How To Activate Mobile Call Divert Option

Introduction :

Hello everyone if you want to divert your mobile call to any other smartphone then you can use this amazing Android app where are available direct setting for forward the mobile call.

Here are available separately options of all call forwarding features like call busy and unreachable network call forward or any other features.

It’s absolutely free and very easy to use just you have to activate this feature and select this then it’s automatically analyse the smartphone and turn on the call forwarding feature.

Contact :

If you have any doubt or want to ask any question then definitely put down all questions in the comment section and I will check it out as soon as possible and try to guide properly.

If you want to provide any mobile tips and tricks related topics then you can share with us in the comment section or contact us directly in our social platforms.

So now let’s talk about this tricks and if you have any question about this article then put down your doubts below in comment option.

How To Install This Apps :

Now you have to install an Apps in your Android smartphone so just click on the download button below to install this app.

Also it can possible to download from Google Play Store directly just visit in the Play Store and search this app for call forwarding then install it.

After installing follow the steps to activate this setting below in the procedure paragraph I have explained all the process properly.

Procedure :

After installing this apps open this and agree all the requirement permissions to work perfectly without any issues.

Now here are available many types of call forwarding features mostly there are four types of features so select any option as your choice.

Now there are option to put the mobile number and select the service provider then press continue button and its redirect on phone dialler option with forwarding code.

Just press dial button and its takes some time and the call forwarding feature are activated for this number in very easily.

I think this article is very useful and very easy to guide for you that’s all for today thank you so much and still I will return to back in the next article.

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